Health Motivator
Terry Thomas Jr.
MY Story
I would like to welcome you to Health First Nation (HFN). I am excited to be a Beacon of Motivation inspiring you to live a healthy lifestyle by putting your health first. I am a the Father of two boys Terry Thomas III and James Thomas. I have been happily married to Samitra Thomas for 10 years and counting. I am a professional photographer, capturing the moments of beauty and love. Over the past 7 years of my health journey, I have learned about my body from a cellular point of view, and I put the knowledge I've gained to practice today. Learning about my cellular body inspired me to eat plant-based, meditate (yoga) and I practically made the gym my second home. I do not classify myself as a Vegan, or Vegetarian I just live healthy on purpose by consuming plant based foods and putting my Health First.. I have the most upmost respect for vegans, vegetarians, and the Holistic community because we all have the same goal, to LIVE HEALTHY ON PURPOSE. I've broken down my blueprint to putting Health First here at HFN.
The outcome of my practice resulted in me loosing over 100 pounds and consciously taking control of my life.
Take control of your Health NOW and live the life YOU DESERVE. I look forward to seeing you in our HFN Community where we practice putting our Health First by living healthy on purpose everyday.
Throwback Big Boi Pictures

Be Patient and Kind!

You can do anything you put your mind to.

Stay Focused!

If you cheat yourself, you cheat your health!

Practice eating Veggies & Fruit, Nuts and Grains..

Make a health first move everyday!

Love Yourself..

Faith without works is Dead!

You have Value and Purpose!