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T's Black Bean Tomato & Basil Soup

T's Black Bean Tomato & Basil Soup is a Plant Based dish that can used by itself as a soup, on a bed of rice, on some Garbanzo bean noodles or in veggie wrap. Terry Jr. created this dish to be filling as well as Nutritious and Delicious. Health First!

Ingredients in Black Bean Tomato Basil Soup:

1 1/2 cups Black Beans

1 cup of Walnuts

1 Green pepper

1 Squash

1 Onion

1/4 cup of crunched Mushrooms

1 tomato

Can of "UNSALTED" tomato sauce

1 cup Sweet Basil Leaves

Himalayan Salt (salt to taste)

T's Seasoning [ Purchase Here ]

Grapeseed oil

1/2 cup water


Prep: Soak the Black Beans for at least 2 hours then boil them for 1 1/2- 2 hours in Himalayan Salt and T's Seasoning until beans are soft.

* Dice up the up the green peppers, onions, tomatoes and squash

* Crunch the mushrooms and Walnuts

* In small bowl, pour in the Can of Tomato sauce and mix some Himalayan salt and T's Seasoning to Taste.

In a large frying pan, saute the green peppers, onions, squash mushrooms and walnuts in T's Seasoning and Himalayan Salt(season to taste)

Next, in the large frying pan with the sauted veggies, add the Seasoned tomato sauce, diced tomatoes and the Sweet Basil Leaves and stir for 7-10 min on medium heat. Add water slowly to loosen the texture . Do not let the veggies get too soft. Add additional T's Seasoning and Himalayan Salt for taste if need be. Let cool down and Enjoy!

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